
Federal Elected Representatives

United States Senate

United States House of Representatives

State Elected Representatives

Local Elected Representatives

While this site makes efforts to provide you with your elected officials, local elected officials vary by municipality and/or jurisdiction. Click here to find the representatives in your area.

Positive Polly List

The “Positive Polly” list was established to empower left-leaning community members by providing a curated selection of businesses that align with their values. A powerful means of supporting our ideals is through patronage. The businesses included on this list have consistently exhibited overt behaviors that resonate with the inclusive principles of our Alliance. Before inclusion on the list, the Alliance conducts validation through open-source intelligence sources, including social media platforms, websites, and review sites. The Alliance periodically reviews the list to make adjustments as necessary.

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Provide a link to the business’ social media. This could be a website, Facebook, Instagram, or other.
Be specific and provide verifiable examples (such as links to social media posts). If we cannot verify the information provided, we will disregard the nomination.
Read the description of this form to learn more about the purpose of the Positive Polly list and why a business should be reported to it.

Naughty Nellie List

The “Naughty Nellie” list was established to serve as a resource for left-leaning community members, guiding them away from businesses that exhibit overtly conservative, “ultra-MAGA,” or ideologically incompatible stances. One of the most effective means of expressing dissatisfaction is through consumer patronage, or lack of. The businesses included on this list have demonstrated behaviors that are clearly aligned with right-wing ideologies and do not align with the inclusive principles of our Alliance. Before inclusion on the list, the Alliance conducts thorough validation of these businesses through open-source intelligence sources, including social media platforms, websites, and review sites. The Alliance periodically reviews the list to make adjustments as necessary, either adding or removing businesses based on changing circumstances.

  • Biaggios
  • Orchid Steakhouse
  • Seven Sirens Brewing
  • Extreme Gun Works
  • Relic Hunter Firing Line
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Provide a link to the business’ social media. This could be a website, Facebook, Instagram, or other.
Be specific and provide verifiable examples (such as links to social media posts). If we cannot verify the information provided, we will disregard the nomination.
Read the description of this form to learn more about the purpose of the Naughty Nellie list and why a business should be reported to it.

Local Charities

LILA is passionate about volunteerism and philanthropy. To support our community in finding charities, the Alliance has curated a list of charities that align with our ideals. Before inclusion on this list, the Alliance conducts thorough validation of these charities through open-source intelligence sources, including social media platforms, websites, and review sites. The Alliance periodically reviews the list to make adjustments as necessary.

Coming soon!

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